Campus Ministry facilitates dozens of ministries dedicated to fellowship, service, prayer, worship, faith formation, and more. The Campus Ministry Open House at the beginning of each semester is a great time to meet leaders from each ministry, but you can reach out and join most ministries any time.
Peer Ministry
Allyse Gruslin
Peer Ministry invites students into peer-led small groups for a transformative experience of prayer, reflection, and community.
Music & Liturgy
Music Ministry and Choirs
Gil Donohue
Cantors chant the propers and the Mass ordinary in Latin for the 11:00 AM Sunday Mass. While not required, cantors are encouraged to sing in other Campus Ministry music ensembles!
Liturgical Choir
The Liturgical Choir sings for the 7:00 pm Sunday Mass at St. Dominic Chapel, in addition to Advent Lessons and Carols, Tenebrae, and other special events throughout the year. The choir sings a wide repertoire, which has recently included works by Palestrina, Mozart, and Vivaldi, alongside Gregorian chant and music by contemporary composers such as Kevin Allen. Rehearsals are on Thursdays from 5:15–6:45 PM.
St. Dominic Ensemble
The St. Dominic Ensemble is a student-led group which provides music for the 10:00 PM Sunday Mass at St. Dominic Chapel, specializing in contemporary Christian music. Rehearsals are on Wednesdays from 7:30–9:00 pm.
St. Cecilia Ensemble
Liturgical Ministries
Gil Donohue
The liturgical ministries are an excellent way to fulfill your baptismal call of service to God and to one another. We welcome all students who would like to serve the Lord as an altar server, lector, sacristan, or usher.
Formation, Prayer, and Fellowship
Faith and Science
Father Justin Bolger, O.P.
Faith and Science is a community of faithful studying and working in the sciences, examining and demonstrating the connection between the two. We consider the complementarity of faith and reason as well as questions as the intersection of faith, science, philosophy, and ethics and host events that explore these topics.
Knights of Columbus
Father Clement Dickie, O.P.
The mission of the Knights of Columbus College Council Program is to promote the moral, intellectual and spiritual development of the future leaders of civil society, the Order, and the Church through witness to the Gospel and dedication to the principles of charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism.
PC for Life
Sister Mary Cecilia Goodrum, O.P.
PC for Life promotes a culture of life on campus, in the community, and in our world through prayer, positivity, and purpose. We participate in the 40 Days for Life Campaign, organize both Fall and Spring Respect Life Weeks, and serve the Providence community by volunteering with local organizations supporting mothers and families. We also attend numerous pro-life events and conferences, including the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C., in January.
Resources for pregnant and parenting students and partners.
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)
Sister Mary Cecilia Goodrum, O.P.
The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) offers a yearlong course of sacramental preparation and faith exploration for students who want to learn about the Catholic faith. The class meets weekly and is designed for those who are seeking to be baptized, were baptized Catholic but have not received their other sacraments of confirmation and/or first communion, and those who were baptized in another Christian denomination but desire to become Catholic.
Students participate in a day of service in the fall and a retreat in Duxbury, Mass., in the spring. Participants enjoy social gatherings at Christmas as well as a dinner with the Bishop of Providence. Clergy, lay leaders, and program alumni are available throughout the year to discuss challenges and questions.
Local Service
Adult Literacy
Adult Literacy tutors adults with special needs. Students are paired with adults to tutor in areas including math, reading, writing, or even just coloring. Student tutors stay with their assigned adult each week, building familiarity and trust. Adult Literacy meets Tuesday and Wednesday in Feinstein (room 116) from 7–8 p.m.
Children’s Outreach
Children’s Outreach connects PC students with local children in need through weekly volunteer opportunities at sites including the Smith Hill Early Childhood Learning Center and St. Pius V Elementary School. Children from the San Miguel School in Providence also come to campus several times each semester to meet student mentors.
Children’s Outreach volunteers also support local events and programs for children and families including St. Pius V Parish’s Harvest Festival and the Smith Hill community Christmas giving tree.
Elderly Outreach
Elderly Outreach is a local service group in which students befriend, entertain, and accompany residents of local nursing homes. Students talk, make crafts, and watch performances with the residents of Capitol Ridge Assisted Living Home. Located on Smith Street, Capitol Ridge is a short five-minute walk from campus.
English as a Second Language (ESL)
English as a Second Language (ESL) provides non-native English speakers the opportunity to strengthen their English skills with help from Providence College students. PC students meet weekly with community members who are non-native English speakers on campus for English classes.
FaithWorks is a service-immersion program in Providence, R.I. for first-year students at Providence College. FaithWorks 2023 will take place in August before Fall Orientation.
Learn more about FaithWorks.
Hunger and Poverty Outreach
Hunger and Poverty Outreach is committed to addressing local and global poverty and hunger through direct service, advocacy, and education. The group is driven by solidarity with those served, faith, and relationships within the ministry.
Volunteers engage in numerous weekly service opportunities at Providence meal sites, deliver furniture with My Brother’s Keeper, help to eliminate food waste with Friar Food Rescue, and tackle the throwaway culture while addressing needs on campus with Lightening Others’ Loads.
Special Olympics
PC’s Special Olympics group organizes several events throughout year, including basketball tournaments in Peterson Recreation Center and an on-campus swim meet. Each year hundreds of PC students volunteer to help coordinate these athletic events with Special Olympics of Rhode Island.
Youth Education
Youth Education offers students the opportunity to teach religious education in various grade levels at parish schools in the Diocese of Providence. We provide a two-hour training session, open office hours, access to teaching materials and transportation. Whether in CCD classes or confirmation retreats, Youth Education helps children and youth discover the joy of faith.
Service Immersion
Campus Ministry sponsors several out-of-region and international service immersion programs, including trips to New Orleans, Guatemala, Costa Rica, and more.
Outreach and Hospitality
Digital Media
Cecilia Ramirez
Digital Media Ministry gets the word out about Campus Ministry offerings. Through Instagram (@pccampmin) and campus platforms, Digital Media advertises events, shares moments of grace, and spreads the good news of the Gospel. If you have an interest in communications and media, please reach out and get involved.
Hospitality & Post-Mass Bash
JP Manning
Hospitality Ministry sponsors Post-Mass Bash, a weekly celebration with food and fellowship in the Campus Ministry Center after the 10 p.m. Sunday Mass.