
FaithWorks is a service-immersion program in Providence, R.I. for first-year students at Providence College. FaithWorks 2023 will take place in August before Fall Orientation.
FaithWorks enables new students to build community with their peers, serve vulnerable populations in Providence, and reflect on the significance of this work for their lives. The program is facilitated by a campus minister and student coordinators in collaboration with many faith-based organizations in the greater Providence area. FaithWorks seeks participants with a diversity of spiritual backgrounds and welcomes individuals of all religions or none.
Through direct service work and conversations in the community, FaithWorks allows participants to understand the city of Providence from the perspective of Catholic social service agencies and the underprivileged residents, groups, and neighborhoods those programs serve. In years past, FaithWorks participants had the opportunity to serve and learn at a wide variety of placements connected with the Church in Providence: St. Pius V Church and School, Mary’s House, My Brother’s Keeper, Providence Public Schools, Little Sisters of the Poor Nursing Home, Habitat for Humanity, and the R.I. Department of Corrections.
Group reflection is central to the FaithWorks program. Campus Ministry staff and student coordinators will facilitate conversations that ground the group’s service work in spiritual values and beliefs. FaithWorks also includes fun daytime and evening activities in the Providence area. It is a great opportunity to meet other students, learn more about PC, and delve into questions about faith and justice.
Cost: Free! Transportation, accommodations, and meals are included free of charge to all FaithWorks participants.
Application: FaithWorks is limited to 50 incoming first-year participants. Applications will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Apply now here.
Questions? Contact Eileen Dignan, campus minister at or 401.865.2760.