Office of Mission & Ministry

“As the Father has sent me, so I send you.”

— John 20:21

The Office of Mission & Ministry coordinates the college-wide process of maintaining, enhancing, and promoting the distinctive mission of Providence College as a Catholic and Dominican institution.

The word mission comes from the Latin, missio, which means “to be sent,” while ministry means to serve. We aim to develop and nurture a community culture in which all members participate in and benefit from a common mission inspired by faith and aided by grace.

Mission Book: Our Catholic and Dominican Mission

Learn about Providence College’s distinctive mission — its theological foundations and integration into academic and campus life — in this book published by the Office of Mission & Ministry and the Division of Marketing & Communications.

Request a Copy of the Mission Book

Mission and Ministry Staff

Father Thomas More Garrett, O.P.

Vice President for Mission & Ministry
Martin Hall

Robert D. Pfunder

Associate Vice President for Mission & Ministry
Martin Hall 109

Pamela C. Tremblay

Assistant Vice President for Mission Integration
Martin Hall 101