Connections First-Year Student Retreat

A group of students in front of a wooden wall

Connections First-Year Student Retreat

When: September 13-15, 2024
Where: Toah Nipi Retreat Center, Rindge, N.H.
Who is it for: first-year students
Instagram: @pc_connections_retreat

JP Manning

Registration is now open!

Register Now

Don’t miss the best weekend of freshmen year! Join us for our annual Connections Retreat for first-year students September 13-15, 2024 at Toah Nipi Retreat Center in Rindge, NH. Join over 75 of your classmates having fun, growing in faith, and learning about life at PC. Take a break from the busyness of starting college, form new friendships, and reflect on the role of God in your life. Make great connections with our 25 upperclassmen student leaders and your peers in the class of 2028! Enjoy a weekend of canoeing, s’mores around a bonfire, an Olympic Games competition, time for prayer, a fresh outlook on college, and great food. Transportation and lodging are provided. Please email campus minister JP Manning at with any questions.

Frequently Asked Questions

What will the weekend look like for participants?

The weekend will be a time of community building with other members of the Class of 2028, consisting of listening to talks, prayer together, fun activities, Sunday Mass, and other activities as a group to grow connected through the Lord.

What is the retreat center like?

Toah Nipi Retreat Center in Rindge, NH is a beautiful, peaceful facility set on a lake.

Is transportation provided?

Yes – all leaders and retreatants will travel together to the retreat center by bus.

Do I need to be Catholic/deeply religious/have previous experience with Campus Ministry to attend Connections?

We welcome all first-year students to join us on the retreat regardless of where you are in your faith journey for a weekend of community and growth in their faith life, whether you are already involved in Campus Ministry, are just beginning to explore your relationship with the Lord, or are curious or unsure about faith. Our student retreat leaders are ready to help you in any way they can!

What should I pack for Connections?

You will be provided with an in depth packing list a week before the retreat, but here are some of the essentials:

  • Warm clothes
  • Sheets or sleeping bag and pillow – You will have a bed and mattress, definitely bring a pillow and a sheets or a sleeping bag, and a blanket
  • Reusable water bottle
  • Whatever else you need to play hard and pray hard this weekend – journal, rosary, games, instruments, etc.

Who is able to attend the Connections Retreat?

Any first-year student who wants to attend can attend.

No one else I know is attending Connections. Will I have the same experience as a participant even if I don’t know anyone there?

YES! Many participants come into our retreats not knowing anyone prior to the weekend, and leave having built deep connections with those who they have not previously had relationships with. It is a great way to meet new people and form new friendships!

I want to come on Connections, but I’m scared I have too much to do over the weekend and won’t be able to manage both.

We will return to campus on Sunday afternoon. This leaves plenty of time for completing homework and other responsibilities after our return on Sunday!

Should I prepare anything beforehand to bring on the retreat/is there anything I need besides what is on the packing list provided?

No, there is nothing else that is needed for you to bring or prepare for the retreat besides what is on the packing list that we send out for participants.

JP Manning

Campus Minister, Director of Retreats