Campus Ministry Leadership Ministry Descriptions
Positions eligible to those who have previously served on Campus Ministry Leadership:
Peer Ministry for Study Abroad
All positions for new and returning applicants:
Advocates for the Dominican Order
ESL (English as a Second Language)
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)
*selection for these positions will happen outside of given timeframe
Positions requiring previous experience on Campus Ministry Leadership
- Models the Catholic faith and Dominican principles to Campus Ministry Leadership and the Providence College community
- Regularly meets with the Chaplain
- Helps organize and plan Open Table on Monday nights
- Develops relationships and collaborates with various campus organizations and students in order to direct them to a life of grace with Christ and various ministries
- Assists CML as needed especially by creatively planning for Spring Training, Banquets, and CML gifts
Vice President
- Regularly meets with the Chaplain
- Assists the President with duties
- Models the Catholic faith and Dominican values to Campus Ministry Leadership and the PC community
Peer Ministry Coordinator
- Peer Ministry Coordinators are returning Peer Ministry Leaders who mentor six to eight Peer Ministry Leaders throughout the year.
- Coordinators meet with their six to eight Peer Ministry Leaders bi-monthly as a group in Saint Families. The Saint Family serves as the PMC’s “small group,” ensuring Peer Ministry Leaders have access to ample support and resources.
- Peer Ministry Coordinators serve as the internal organizers of the Peer Ministry program. They work in collaboration with one another and Peer Ministry staff in service to the Peer Ministry program. PMCs also work with the executive board of Campus Ministry Leadership in support of CML
- The PMC role requires strong communication skills, organization, creativity, and a collaborative spirit.
- Peer Ministry Coordinators meet weekly with Campus Ministry staff to plan and promote Peer Ministry programming, engage in ongoing formation, and collaborate with Campus Ministry initiatives and campus-wide events.
Peer Ministry for Study Abroad
- Four returning Peer Ministry Leaders will lead small groups for students going abroad during the 2024-2025 academic year. One group will be composed of leaders and students going abroad in Fall 2024 and one group will be composed of leaders and students going abroad in Spring 2025. Groups will follow a traditional Peer Ministry schedule during their semester on campus and a modified schedule while abroad. Groups meet digitally while abroad and in person when on campus.
- This role requires exceptional organization, communication skills, and a willingness to work with staff and participants.
- Peer Ministry Leaders for Study Abroad hold the same responsibilities as traditional Peer Ministry Leaders (see above) during their on campus semester. While abroad, Peer Ministry Leaders for Study Abroad meet 1:1 with a staff member at least once and maintain email/Slack connectivity as needed.
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All positions for new and returning applicants:
Adult Literacy
- Designs weekly interactive educational lesson plans, including holiday themed parties, throughout the year
- Collaborates with on-campus clubs, such as Best Buddies, Special Olympics, etc.
- Maintains contact with the following sites: Arc of Blackstone Valley & the Fogarty Center, in addition to adults participating individually
- Creatively builds community amongst student volunteers
- Recruits, matches, and maintains volunteers for weekly on-campus engagement with Local Providence adults withspecial needs and adaptive abilities
- Encourages use of Helper Helper Sign Ups to manage volunteer hours and data
Advocates of the Dominican Order
- Work with the Friars to promote the charism of the Dominican Order on campus
- This is especially done by tabling and handing out holy cards in Slavin or Ray on the Feast Days of Dominican Saints
Bible Study
- Advertise for Bible study and regularly communicate with active members of the ministry
- Plan for and lead weekly one hour Bible studies with the assistance of Campus Ministry staff
Children’s Outreach
- Recruits and maintains volunteers for the following sites: St Pius V and Smith Hill Early Childhood Learning Center
- Works closely to support the coordinator for the San Miguel Mentor program
- Coordinates & monitors transportation to sites via PC vans
- Creatively builds community amongst student volunteers
- Ensures student use of Helper Helper for hour data
- Works in Partnership to help Coordinates the annual Giving Tree program
Digital Media
- Oversees and maintains the Campus Ministry social media accounts, including Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, etc., in such a way as to promote the Gospel and lead our PC community to Jesus Christ.
- Helps advertise for Campus Ministry programs and initiatives throughout the year
- Produces promotional videos for Campus Ministry in general, as well as some of its programs, such as: retreats, service programs on and off campus, the March for Life, etc.
- Recruits and assists volunteers to help with promotional projects
- Creates social media content for formation and catechesis; for example: series about the sacraments, Catholic Social Thought, Lenten initiatives, etc.
ESL (English as a Second Language)
- Establishes weekly English language tutoring with Sodexo and UG2 workers
- Recruits, matches, and maintains volunteers for off-campus sites, such as: International Charter School, Diocese of Providence Immigration and Refugee Services, Harry Kizirian Elementary School
- Coordinates & monitors transportation to sites via PC vans
- Spearheads community building events on campus, in collaboration with campus partners, to respond to the needs of the student community
- Plans end-of-year ESL banquet
- Collects student service hour data input through Helper Helper for quarterly report
Faith & Science
- Organizes and plans events for students to experience the unity between science, philosophy, theology, and ethics
- Forms relationships with Catholic scientists and theological scholars
- Looks for opportunities for students to attend faith and science seminars sponsored by outside organizations and other schools or universities in order to help widen their perspective on these topics
- Collaborates with other ministries within Campus Ministry and other organizations on campus in order to create a wider outreach and educate students on the myth of conflict between faith and science
Faith & Business
- Organizes and plans events for students to learn the Christian principles that can guide one in a career and professional life. Past events include lunch discussions with faculty and students called “Catholics in the Marketplace” and panel discussions with faculty and alumni.
- Forms relationships with Catholic professionals with the hope of facilitating and gaining from their witness to Christ in the marketplace
- Collaborates with other ministries within Campus Ministry and other organizations on campus in order to create a wider outreach and educate students on the challenges and opportunities of being Catholic in the business sector
Faith & Psychology
- Organizes and plans events for students to learn how to integrate a sound understanding of the study of psychology with the Catholic Christian faith in order to guide one in a professional life in the field of psychology.
- Forms relationships with Catholic professionals with the hope of facilitating and gaining from their witness to Christ in the professional area.
- Looks for opportunities for students to attend faith and psychology seminars sponsored by outside organizations and other schools or universities in order to help widen their perspective on these topics
- Collaborates with other ministries and organizations on campus to create a wider outreach and educate students on sound psychological teachings
Hospitality (Post Mass Bash)
- Recruits and leads volunteers to coordinate, prepare and serve food to students after the Sunday 10:00 PM Mass (Post-Mass Bash). Brainstorms themes and menus.
- Collaborates with other CM groups and cross-campus groups to host Post-Mass Bash and promote campus events (e.g., Knights of Columbus, RCIA Mass, Bilingual Mass)
- Shops for food on a weekly basis
- Dreams up new opportunities for hospitality in Campus Ministry such as Lenten Simple Suppers, Finals Coffee Houses, Munchkin Runs, etc.
- Plans and organizes social, service and prayer opportunities for volunteers
Hunger & Poverty
- Recruits, maintains volunteers and coordinates trips for the following sites: My Brother’s Keeper Dartmouth Facility, Emmanuel House and other sites
- Provides opportunities for educational and spiritual reflections upon service and justice work
- Provides assistance to leaders of Lightening Others Load (LOL), Friar Food Rescue, Smith Hill Annex Pantry
- Coordinates and monitors transportation to sites via PC vans
- Collects student service hour data Through Helper Helper for quarterly report
- Creatively builds community amongst student volunteers
Intercessory Prayer
- Supports CML through regular prayer throughout the week
- Helps coordinate prayer initiatives for the whole of CML
- Helps support the prayer life of individual members of CML
- Supports other Campus Ministry programming, especially retreats, through prayer throughout the year and especially during the most important programs
- Periodically attend meetings/events for Council ministries throughout the year to learn more about the ministry and thus be able to pray more particularly for the ministry
Knights of Columbus*
- Works within the framework of the Knights of Columbus, an international organization of Catholic men committed to community service, charitable fundraising, and building community in a manner motivated and informed by their faith
- Forms and facilitates sub-committees that plan and organize the following campus-wide social events: Super Bowl Party, Lenten Fish Fry, community service projects, and charitable initiatives in response to the needs of the campus and the surrounding community
Liturgical Choir
- Meets with Director of Liturgical Music on a weekly basis
- Recruits and maintains volunteers for Liturgical Choir
- Follows up with students who miss Mass and/or rehearsal
- Helps musically with leading sectionals, playing organ at Mass, conducting pieces (optional)
- Plans and organizes social and prayer opportunities for Liturgical Choir members
Liturgical Ministries
- Recruit and maintain volunteers for each liturgical ministry (i.e., sacristans, altar servers, lectors, and ushers) at all weekend Masses
- Forms and facilitates a Liturgical Ministries core group to:
- Ensure that students minister as scheduled, or find a substitute in a timely manner
- Prepares master schedule of liturgical ministers for all weekend Masses each semester
- Plans and organizes social and prayer opportunities for all liturgical ministers
- Helps keep sacristy and devotional supplies in order
- Train new liturgical ministers on an individual basis
PC for Life
- Provides opportunities for campus-wide understanding of pro-life issues through tabling and collaboration with other groups on campus
- Aids in the intellectual formation of a culture of life on campus through the Equal Rights Institute training program and other programs.
- Organizes and promotes speakers for educational events
- Coordinates events such as the March for Life trip to Washington, DC, Respect Life Week, etc.
- Works with local pro-life legislators and offers support
- Provides prayer and support for students in crisis pregnancy situations and informs the campus about the Parenting and Pregnancy website and off campus resources
- Organizes off-campus service and advocacy opportunities to help promote the dignity of life such as, but not limited to supporting and cooperating with pro-life crisis pregnancy help centers
Peer Ministry Leader
- Peer Ministry Leaders serve as student leaders and mentors-in-faith for the Providence College community. Their primary role includes regular small group planning, facilitation, community building, and individual outreach with student participants. With support and training from Campus Ministry staff and Peer Ministry Coordinators, Peer Ministry Leaders work together to cultivate Christian communities, seeking to integrate college life with the life of faith.
- Peer Ministry Leaders participate in a formation process, developing skills for leadership, accompaniment, and substantive spiritual reflection with an emphasis on each individual’s personal growth. This process incorporates summer training, retreats, regular 1:1 meetings with Peer Ministry Coordinators and Campus Ministry staff and development of a personal formation plan.
- This is a year-long commitment to Campus Ministry Leadership. As individuals and as a group, Peer Ministry Leaders share a sincere desire to grow in faith and to help others do the same.
- Peer Ministry small groups range from 6-12 student participants, are led by two Peer Ministry Leaders, and nurture authentic Christian community through praying together, learning about each other’s lives, breaking open Scripture and discussing real topics that affect college students. These groups meet every other week.
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)
- Recruits, supports and prays for students in their faith journey
- Organizes the information session and continues outreach for potential candidates and catechumens throughout the year
- Helps plan the RCIA retreat and plays a primary role in collecting and distributing Palancas, giving witness talks and encouraging students on the retreat
- Assists with the RCIA gatherings
- Cooperates with staff in tracking the interest, preparation, and progress of participants
- Explores and coordinates with CML for volunteer service opportunities for RCIA students
- Teaches about the Saints during the weekly meetings
- Assists with the RCIA Mass
- Develops relationships with the RCIA alumni and encourages their participation in the Mystagogy year and Campus Ministry events
St. Cecilia Ensemble
- Recruits, maintains, and directs students who sing at Thursday evening Praise and Worship
- Coordinates publicity for Praise and Worship
- Meets with Director of Liturgical Music on a weekly basis to plan repertoire and rehearsals
- Plans and organizes social and prayer opportunities for St. Cecilia Ensemble members
St. Dominic Ensemble
- Meets with Director of Liturgical Music on a weekly basis to plan repertoire and rehearsals
- Plans and organizes social and prayer opportunities for St. Dominic Ensemble members
- Recruits, maintains, and directs students who sing at the Sunday 10:00 pm Mass
Special Olympics
- Recruits and maintains volunteers for 4 major sports events (fall and spring basketball tournaments; Tennis tournament and spring swim meet)
- In collaboration with Service and Justice Department, determines executive board structure, selects board members, and appropriately delegates organizational tasks
- Establishes and maintains contact with Special Olympics of Rhode Island ➢ Works with several agencies, on-campus departments, and off-campus vendors ➢ Maintains community contacts with organizations such as L’Arche of Boston to teach the truth that all are created in the image and likeness of God
- Maintains the partnership between Providence College and Special Olympics of RI by welcoming all athletes on the campus into the P.C. family
- Provides educational materials for executive board members
- Creates a relationship with the Special Olympics teams to establish possible weekly volunteer opportunities
Youth Education
- Coordinates with the Religious Education/CCD programs of Providence area parishes at the beginning of the semester and throughout, the academic year
- Recruits and maintains volunteers to teach Religious Education/CCD at Providence area parishes
- Has students go through BCI training at the beginning of every semester
- Assesses student capacity to teach the faith and offers a training session that goes over the diocesan requirements to teach in the schools and parishes
- Offers assistance for lesson planning and classroom management
- Develops outreach to local parishes, Catholic high schools and middle schools by offering afternoon and day-long Confirmation and faith retreats
- Facilitates community between catechists through social events and faith sharing
- Collects student service hour data for quarterly report
- Helps students acquire van certification